Our Church: Our Dream
On Sunday, February 14, we will again worship close together around tables in the fellowship hall. The soup will be on, bread will be shared, and the heat will be on. Carroll and Cathy will make music. Nancy Duncan will reflect on the words of Jesus as written in the gospel of Mark 10:17-31: eternal life, camels going through eyes of needles, but mostly the call to "Give."
As part of the service we will watch this video.
We will have time to dream about our ministry and our building as a platform for ministry. What would you love our ministry to be able to be/do? What should we fix/change about the building?
Hope to see you Sunday. But if you aren't here, we still want to know what you think. Let us know.
Other news this week
Annual Meeting Recap
Thank you to all who attended the Annual Meeting and Worship last Sunday. It was so good to see people sitting around tables, talking with one another, imagining Broad Bay bumper stickers and celebrating the presence of God in our midst. We celebrated Jesus' transfiguration where the disciples glimpsed the power of Jesus in new and stunning ways.
Rev. Peter Panagore, First Radio Parish, at Broad Bay
Tuesday, Feb. 23, 6 pm potluck dinner and 7 pm presentation The Waldoboro Public Library, in cooperation with Broad Bay Congregational Church, welcomes Reverend Peter Baldwin Panagore, ordained minister and host of the "Daily Devotions" program. He will discuss his book, Heaven is Beautiful: How Dying Taught Me That Death Is Just The Beginning, about his near-death experience in 1980.
At 6:00 pm, the Outreach Committee of the Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ is hosting a potluck downstairs where folks will have a chance to meet one another and Rev. Peter Panagore, to be followed by a reading in the sanctuary at 7:00 pm. Books will be available for purchase at the event to have signed by Rev. Panagore. If you would like to attend the potluck, please email Nancy Duncan at waldoucc@midcoast.com to tell her what dish you will be bringing.
Service Auction call for donations
Do you have services you are willing to donated to Broad Bay's Annual Service Auction? Our annual event will be held on March 12. Let Alethe Donaldson know or email us at waldoucc@midcoast.com.
Lenten Adult Coloring Books Available
Adult Coloring Books are the "new" thing--a way to meditate.
On Sunday, we shared coloring books linked to our Lenten journey starting with Ash Wednesday (Feb 10) and ending with Easter. As I read the scripture and prepare the service, I pull out colored pencils, metallic markers and start to color. I've added prayer concerns, reflections, insights. I've felt my worry pass away. Is is for some a good spiritual practice. More information will be posted soon.