Here are a few of our past activities for kids at Broad Bay

What a great day at our annual picnic!

Thanks to the Meyers for letting us use their family farm in Waldoboro.

We seize the opportunity to involve children in many aspects of our church life from ringing the church bell, lighting the candles, reading scripture, passing the offering plate, playing a musical instrument and communion. Children are invited to design bulletin covers or write prayers.

Children participate in outreach projects including Heifer Project, the Waldoboro Food Pantry, & free community luncheons. They are often found designing cards for folks who are sick or celebrating birthdays.

In past years, children have produced a shadow puppet show for Christmas Eve, a holy week Lego film, and have sung for elderly members confined to their homes.




Waldoboro Nativity Story

Join the kids of Broad Bay Church as they explore what it would look like if the Nativity Story happened in Waldoboro Maine today.

Originally presented at the Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ in Waldoboro, Maine on Christmas Eve, 2016.