Music is a vital part of Broad Bay

While Broad Bay’s music is frequently centered around the organ, Broad Bay also hosts guest musicians who bring other instruments including violin, guitar, flute or recorder. The choir sings periodically throughout the year.

Our Organ

Our Hook and Hastings organ was built in Boston in 1875. (525 pipes, 15,000 parts).  It was substantially restored in 2008 by David Wallace.


Broad Bay Church is actively involved in bringing concert events to the Waldoboro area.  Broad Bay concerts are varied in purpose and type.  The recent Four Seasons String Concert was a multi-media event in conjunction with the Medomak Valley Land Trust.  The annual Organ Concert supports the Broad Bay music ministry and ensures that the historic Hook and Hastings organ remains in top condition.  Concerts are also held to support local groups, such as New Hope for Women, an area organization founded to end domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. 

See our Events page for upcoming concerts.