Broad Bay Service Auction and Pot-Luck Supper

On March 12, 2016, Broad Bay will hold it's annual Service Auction.

The potluck supper will begin at 5:30 PM followed by the auction at 6:30 PM.  Bring your friends and come ready to laugh and place bids.

It is possible that the auctioneer will add a new twist.  You never know. You have to be present to find out.

Other news this week

Spring is coming and Plant Sale Leaders Wanted--An Invitation from Maryann

Seeking Plant Sale Leader/Co-Leaders— Carol Hakkila organized and tended the plant sale for many, many years.  I stepped in for two and found it to be too much with my return to full-time work.  I would be happy to “coach” a person or people in the steps they’d need to take for this year’s plant sale, which is traditionally held Memorial Day weekend (but could be later).  There are growers ready to start plants, as well as dig plants come spring, if we can find a leader(s).  And, the plant sale doesn’t have to be “like it was” — it could be as big or small as people want to make it.  What is most important is that you have a strong interest in plants, are good at organizing and juggling, and can devote the necessary time in May.  If interested, feel free to talk with me at church, call me, or e-mail me. -- Maryann Guernsey


Farewell Audrey

Audrey Bechler is moving the end of the month. Many paintings are for sale to lighten her load and fund her trip.  FMI: