Memorial Day Service of Reflections
Memorial Day Worship
Sunday, May 29 at 10 am
Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ will honor Memorial Day with a Service of Reflections. Claire Riser and Dorothy Petersen will share reflections on relatives, including a Medal of Honor recipient, who served in world wars. Rev. Konni Wells and Ted Smith will assist in the service. Quinn Gormley will provide the music.
Our Church our Dream Workshop
Sunday, June 5, 11-12
Join us after worship in the fellowship hall for a slide presentation and discussion led by the Our Dream Committee, who will update us on our progress toward a church master plan. Participation and questions are encouraged as we continue to think about our platform for ministry. Refreshments will be provided.
Outdoor Worship & Picnic at the Farnsworth Farm
Sunday, June 12 at 10 am
Celebrate God's creation with an outdoor service of worship followed by the church school picnic. The Sunday School will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, drinks, plates, and utensils. Feel free to bring a side dish or dessert to share. (Farnsworth Farm is picturesque, 10 acre private property owned by the Meyer family who have generously allowed us the use of it for June 12 only.)
Directions to the Farnsworth Farm: Take 220 (Friendship Rd.) south (past the Methodist Church going toward Friendship) to Mayo Rd, which is on the right about 3 miles south of Waldoboro Village.
Telling our Story
Monday June 13 6-8 pm, dessert will be served
What makes Broad Bay a strong and vital church?
Rev. Susie Craig is coming to interview us as part of her research on vital churches. Come and reflect on the strengths of our ministry today! Everyone is invited. Dessert will be served at 6 and conversation will start around 6:15. People of all ages are invited.