News This Week

The Broad Bay Church presented New Hope for Women with a check for $3150, the proceeds from the October Concert. 

Pictured:  Peggy Andrews, Co-chair, Outreach Steering Committee, Susanna Norword-Burns, New Hope for Women Advocate serving Waldoboro, Alethe Donaldson, co-chair, Outreach Steering Committee, and Rev. Nancy Duncan.

Pictured:  Peggy Andrews, Co-chair, Outreach Steering Committee, Susanna Norword-Burns, New Hope for Women Advocate serving Waldoboro, Alethe Donaldson, co-chair, Outreach Steering Committee, and Rev. Nancy Duncan.

Sunday worship

November 26,  10 am
Exiled: Now What?  The people were in exile and the prophet Jeremiah offered tools for living during hard times in a hostile environment.  Rev. Nancy Duncan, preaching.  Josie Davis and Colin Wheatley, Oberlin Conservatory Graduates, violins. Church School for the children and youth during the second half of the service.


Art and Scripture 

Mondays at 10:30 am
Reflect on the scripture reading using art supplies.  Art skills optional.


Holiday Fair

The Holiday Fair this year will be on December 9th from 9AM to 2PM. We will again this year be renting tables to crafters and providing an amazing assortment of food. Please remember the Fair as you bake, make jelly or can. We need your support! If you'd like to help in the kitchen or help set up/clean up, please contact Linda Brandt.


Christmas Events at Broad Bay


News This Week