Broad Bay News: February 4 Annual Meeting is Souper Bowl Sunday

Sunday Worship

January 28, 10 am  
"Born Again"   Are these words an invitation and a gift or do they have a more negative connotation?  What does it mean?  Rev. Nancy Duncan will grapple with this text.  Barbara Bibro, pianist. 
There will be church school for the children and youth.

Valentine Gifts

Check out the gift table in Fellowship Hall!!  There are Valentine items for your sweetheart, containers to stuff with Valentine candy, and small gifts to share with a shut-in.  Most items can be taken after making a donation; a few items are part of a Silent Auction.  The highest bidder will be notified on Sunday, February 11.  All donations will go to the Broad Bay general fund.

February 4 Annual Meeting is Souper Bowl Sunday

Please HELP the Help Yourself Shelf by bringing a dry or package soup to share with our Waldoboro neighbors!  Any donated cans of soup will be saved for distribution in warmer weather.  Packages of dry cereal, mac and cheese, and pasta are hard to keep stocked, as well as Kleenex, toilet paper, and paper towels.    
Thank-you!    The Outreach Steering Committee

The Call: Annual Meeting February 4, 2018

To the Congregation of the Broad Bay Congregational, United Church of Christ, of Waldoboro, Maine

Pursuant to the By-Laws of the Broad Bay Congregational, United Church of Christ, today January 28, 2018, we give the second of two notices, that our 34th Annual Meeting as a recognized church in the Midcoast Association will be held following the worship service in the sanctuary on February 4, 2018 followed by a soup and bread lunch downstairs.  If the weather be such that we cannot realize a quorum, the meeting will be held on February 11, 2018 following the worship service.

The Annual Meeting is to review and act on the Annual Report, elect officers, board members, and delegates; vote on a budget for 2018; receive a report from the building committee and act on any other business that comes before said meeting.

Alethe Donaldson, Church Clerk and Co-Moderators Linda Brandt and Jonathan Clowes

Click here to see the Annual Report


Hannaford Cards

The Hannaford card program credits Broad Bay 5% for every order or reload we make that meets or exceeds $1000. In December, we were credited $140 and the previous month, November, we earned $170. This is a great passive way to support Broad Bay. Thank you to all those who have purchased cards and reload them regularly. If you haven't bought a card yet and would like to join, please contact Linda or Maryann. We're back on the second and fourth Sunday reload schedule. The reload dates going forward are:

  • Jan. 28
  • Feb. 11
  • Feb. 25

Flu Season  

As we wash our hands, let's think of God's living water cleansing us and keeping us from passing germs to another person. In light of the flu epidemic, people are invited to be slow to touch one another--to pass God's peace with eye contact and a smile.