News This Week

Soup supper to Benefit Broad Bay

Nov 10, 5-7 pm at VFW Hall

Soups are the stars in the next event of Broad Bay Congregational UCC’s multi-month capital campaign. On Sat., Nov. 10, from 5 to 7 p.m., the Community Friends of Broad Bay will serve up Beef Soup, Squash Soup, Chicken Noodle Soup and Corn Chowder, along with rolls and cornbread, beverages and a wide variety of “church-lady” pies. The pies are being baked by members of Broad Bay and the United Methodist Church. A silent auction, to include antique furniture, a cabin-vacation on Damariscotta Lake and many other items, will run concurrently. Please invite your friends and neighbors to this community event, it will be a fun night for all!

If you are available to help, the Community Friends of Broad Bay are requesting donations of the following items:

  • Pies (in aluminum pans)

  • Cider

  • Paper coffee cups

  • Paper cold drink cups

  • Donations for the silent auction

Please contact us if you have items to donate.

The Broad Bay Holiday Fair

Dec 1st from 9:AM to 2:00PM

As in the past couple of years, we will have some community crafters, a Broad Bay craft table, raffles, and , of course, food! We will need volunteers for the kitchen (breakfast sandwiches in the morning and soups/stews to go), people to run the Broad Bay tables, items for the Broad Bay craft table, raffle items and auctioneers, cookies for the Cookie Walk, and a lot of food items to sell! So, as we roll into fall, please put aside a few things as you bake and craft to make this a really successful Fair!
Contact Linda Brandt for any questions. Thank you!

Sunday Worship

Nov 4, All Saints Day

Day of the Dead--A New England Anglo Adaptation

In Mexico, families spend days creating small altars (a table top display) to remember love ones who have died. They gather pictures and symbols of things the deceased enjoyed--favorite foods, a golf ball, knitting needles, a book. They gather playful and serious reminders. Everyone of all ages is invited to create an altar to display during the service on Nov. 4. Both people and pets may be remembered in this way.

During the service, Claire Riser will tell stories of specific Mexican traditions which include sugar skulls, marigolds, masks, skeletons and picnics at the graveyard.

Rev. Nancy Duncan will share communion--a tradition that binds many of us to both ancestors and descendants. We will remember the living and the dead with prayer and in taking time to silently view the altars our friends have created.

Sophie Davis, violin will provide special music to honor the occasion.


News This Week


News This Week