Easter Services

Palm Sunday 

Sunday, April 15: 10:00 am Worship

Did you know that there are no palms in Matthew’s account of Jesus’ entry into the Jerusalem? “A very large crowd spread their cloaks on the road, and others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road.”  Matthew 21:8.  We will celebrate Matthew style with local branches.  Bring your own cloaks and branches to wave. 

Jesus transformed the temple a place of healing.  How do we work with God to create places of healing?  Barbara Bibro, pianist. Rev. Nancy Duncan, preaching.  Church school for Children. 

Thursday, April 18, Maundy Thursday

7:00 pm:  Music, Bread, and Cup

“This blessing takes one look at you and all it can say is holy.”  by Jan Richardson
In times of darkness, God’s light lives and is reflected in and through us. Come and share bread, cup and community.  Barbara Wright, harp and Mary Benner, soloist. Rev. Nancy Duncan, preaching and leading worship.
(Enter through front or ramp door.  Additional parking at library & Post Office) 

Good Friday: Entering the Darkness

Friday, April 19: 12 noon—3 pm 

Gather downstairs. Art supplies will be available; the sanctuary will be open for prayer. 

Easter Sunday: “Do not be Afraid”

Sunday April 21: 10 am Worship

Celebrate the empty tomb, the risen Christ, and the mystery of life and death and rebirth. Bring flowers or signs of new life to be displayed at the cross. Ina Wolovitz, organist.  Church School available for children. 

Every week, we receive and offer welcome and hospitality—a reminder of God’s love for us.

Thanks to everyone who makes this ministry possible with your presence, prayers, work, and dollars.


Annual Organ Concert


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