Broad Bay Church
A Place For All
An opening and affirming congregation
Broad Bay offers hybrid worship and you may join us in person or via Skype from any place where there is phone or video access.
Please contact us for information on how you can join us.
We worship at
10 am on Sunday Mornings
Broad Bay is active in serving our wider community
We support many community partners including AA, Garden Club, Historical Society, New Hope for Women, Restorative Justice of Midcoast Maine.
Provide financial support to local and worldwide ministries
Broad Bay Church is actively involved in bringing concert events to the Waldoboro area. Broad Bay concerts are varied in purpose and type.
The annual Organ Concert supports the Broad Bay music ministry and ensures that the historic Hook and Hastings organ remains in top condition.
No Matter Who You Are, Or Where You Are On Life’s Journey, You Are Welcome Here!
No Matter Who You Are, Or Where You Are On Life’s Journey, You Are Welcome Here! 🤍
Everyone Is Welcome
Worship is at the heart of our life together. We come together to share joys and concerns, to sing, and to listen to the ancient texts of our faith.
Jesus’s command to love one another is reflected in our efforts to reach out to folks outside of our faith community, including folks of other faiths or no faith. Everyone is welcome!
Uplift The Community
Broad Bay embraces its mission to uplift the community and make a meaningful difference both near and far. We participate in fundraising for projects as diverse as resettling refugees to disaster response as a way to embrace the call to care for our neighbors.
Local efforts included clothing drives for Miller School, contributing to the town’s Christmas baskets, and providing financial support for New Hope MidCoast, Knox County Homeless Coalition, OUT Maine, Wabanaki REACH, and CHiP. Broad Bay Church’s actions prove that even small communities can create lasting, positive change.
A Place For All
Broad Bay Church opens its doors and its heart to the community, offering a welcoming space for connection, creativity, and support.
From hosting WIC appointments, exercise and chair yoga classes, and Girl Scout meetings to providing a pick-up site for local CSA deliveries, the church is a hub for nurturing both body and soul. Open mic nights and free concerts fill the space with music and joy, while the art and scripture group fosters reflection and inspiration. Broad Bay also provides a sacred setting for life’s milestones, including weddings and funerals, creating a place for celebration, remembrance, and unity.
In every way, Broad Bay Church strives to be a place for all.
What People Are Saying About Broad Bay Church
Broad Bay Church is truly an open, affirming, and welcoming place with an incredibly caring and generous congregation. Our clients have been supported as members of the church, as well as strangers, as has our agency and staff.
Susanna Norwood-Burns, New Hope for Women
Broad Bay Church provides me with the opportunity to participate by sharing my love and help in a wide range of local, state, and national endeavors.
Alethe Donaldson, member
Broad Bay Church exists because we want to serve God in our small corner of the world. It is wonderful to share the search and the celebrations, to be among folks with whom to share the passages of life.
Jonathan Clowes, member
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Electronic Giving
Broad Bay accepts offerings through our bank transfer system. Click on the button below to give:
Or you may do so by credit card through PayPal: