Broad Bay raises $4211 for New Hope for Women!
The Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ (Waldoboro) presented a check for $4219.47 to New Hope for Women which was raised at the recent Fierce and Fragile Women Concert. Pictured left to right: Rev. Nancy Duncan, Pastor of the Broad Bay Church, Claire Riser, Co-moderator of the Broad Bay Church, Susanna Norword-Burns, Advocate for New Hope for Women, Karen Lilli Pax, soprano, and Kristi Braun, Development Director for New Hope for Women.
Other news this week
Sunday Nov. 8, 2015, 10 am Worship
Church School Available. Rev. Nancy Duncan, preaching. Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 18: 20-39. In this contest between false prophets of Baal, and the true prophets of God, Elijah the prophet is vindicated for a time. Who are the false prophets of our day? What does it look like to choose to follow the authentic prophets of God? Sermon Preview: it's complicated. There are false prophets who purport to be Christian. There are true prophets who purport not to be Christian
Harvest Fair
Saturday, November 14, 9-2 pm: Set up is on Friday afternoon. Contact Ray and Cathy Anderson to help.
Día de Muertos
Thanks to Claire Riser, Carroll Smith and everyone who created the Day of the Dead Celebration. Worship is the work of the people and it took each of us to create a service where our joy and love and tears were brought to the living God. Read Nancy's reflections and see some photos at
Stewardship Moments -- Finding God in Unexpected Places
Yesterday, I offered a blessing and took the stack of stewardship letters with pledge cards to the Post Office. I am so grateful for the love, creativity, courage and wisdom of the people of God who are gathered in this church. The Trustees invite everyone, whether you simply read this email, or have a key to the building to share in the support of this ministry by making a financial pledge for 2016. The ministries of the Broad Bay Church are transforming lives--not just the lives of the people who gather on Sunday morning but also those we don't even know--the people we encounter at work and in the community, the children who wait for the bus outside the church, those who stood in front of the memorial we placed after the shooting in Emanuel AME Church. Our money, our time, our prayers, and God's grace keep the ministry of the Broad Bay Church vibrant and relevant. Please make a pledge or send a check. You may also make a pledge, simply by emailing our treasurer, Evelyn Clowes.
Adult Education with Joan Chittister and Dorothy Petersen starts Sunday Nov. 15 at 11:30
Joan Chittister, in her book, The Ten Commandments considers the Commandments as Laws of the Heart. She challenges the reader to expand our understanding of these commandments in deep heartfelt ways. Come and join the conversation. FMI contact Dorothy.