Collection for Thanksgiving Baskets
Help Broad Bay share Thanksgiving foods (non-perishable) with a hungry Waldoboro family. Bring food on Sunday.
Other news this week
Sunday, November 22 10 am, Worship
Jazz, Thanksgiving, and Hope: Mike Whitehead, trumpet, Jason Dean, percussion, and Tom Luther, piano. We will bid a sad farewell to Joan Ebbeson who is moving away. The Madrigal group will sing. Rev. Nancy Duncan will preach a short homily, "new life emerging from the destruction and death."
Adult book discussion
With Dorothy Petersen: Sundays at 11:30. The Ten Commandments by Joan Chittister.
Broad Bay seeks your pledges for 2015 and will dedicate them as part of the worship service. As part of a recent letter on stewardship, Nancy Duncan wrote:
God is not confined to the church.
In the Bible, God shows up in the fields, at the mountain, in the bull rushes, at the well, on the road to Emmaus, at the cross and at the empty tomb.
Church is where we tell the story.
Church is where we share one another’s encounters with God. Church is where we question, worship, pray, laugh and cry.
Church is the place where we stand together at the cross
with broken hearts only to be surprised
by the mysterious hope of resurrection.
Our shared stories of God’s mercy, our ministry, and our worship transforms lives.
Your gifts of prayers, money, encouragement enable this ministry. To make a pledge for 2016, email us.
Checks may be mailed to Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ, 941 Main Street, PO Box 161, Waldoboro, ME 04572