"What Child is This?" Windows

On Christmas Eve we lit the “What Child is This?” windows, designed and created by the hands of the children of Broad Bay. Looking at the final installation, one of the leaders said, “God made those windows—not us.” This art is dedicated to the glory of God and embodies our belief that children are a vital part of the work & the ministry of Jesus Christ.

Broad Bay’s stained glass windows have stood for over 125 years. They are fragile, and two of the most vulnerable ones were removed for protection this fall, letting in the natural light for the first time in over a century. While some might have seen the window frame as a hole with something missing, our church school teachers and the children found an opportunity to make their own stained glass using clear vinyl and Sharpie markers.

As the church continues the work of building maintenance and dreams of future renovations, we wonder, “how can this building be used to bring more light and love, joy and hope into the Waldoboro community?”  Presently we host meetings of several groups and have three concerts scheduled for 2016. We want to do more and welcome others into this beautiful and sacred space.

What would you like to see this building able to do or become? Email us, call us, leave a comment below, or stop us on the street with your ideas.


Jazz Service in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Kind scheduled for January 17th


Collection for Thanksgiving Baskets