Jazz Service in honor of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther Kind scheduled for January 17th

Sunday, January 10, 10 am, Worship

Jesus came for the sinners, not the righteous:  April Reed-Cox, cello and Carroll Smith, Piano.  Nancy Duncan, preaching. Church School for the children.


Adult Education

Book study resumes on Sunday January 17 and 24 to continue discussion on the Ten Commandments by Joan Chittister. Next book will be Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates.  See Dorothy Petersen for details. 


Sunday, January 17, 10 am Worship

Jazz Service with readings in honor of the legacy of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King:  Jazz artists will collaborate with members of the Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ with a service of music and readings in honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

Mike Whitehead, trumpet, Tom Luther, piano, Jason Dean, percussion, and Danji Buck-Moore, organ will play.  Members of the Broad Bay Church have chosen a series of readings that reflect the commitment to justice and peace which was reflected in the life and ministry of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. After each reading, the musicians will offer a musical response. The congregation will sing music that came out of the African American tradition.  Broad Bay Church readers include Marcus Russano, Caroline Bond, Jim Gussen, Ralph Moore, Jeff Belcher and Ted Smith. Readings will include works of Martin Luther King Jr. as well as other voices of justice and peace.

In recognition that work that Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King gave his life doing is far from complete, the Broad Bay Church offers this service as a place to remember and rededicate ourselves to the work of reconciliation and justice.


Jazz Service in Honor of Martin Luther King


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