A Rewarding Opportunity -

If You Like to Drive!

Lincoln County FISH (Friends in Service Helping) is a volunteer driving service for residents of Lincoln County. All rides are free, with drivers donating their time, vehicle and gas. The destinations (both distance and purpose) are only limited by drivers’ willingness. Once a request is received (LC FISH phone is 350-9808), all the drivers are notified by a group email. Drivers do not have a quota in any given time period and each driver determines his or her availability. Given the demographics and geography of our area, there is a huge need and our requests are growing monthly. (We did 98 rides in September and 138 in October.)

So, we are always looking for more drivers. If this ministry speaks to you, please call or email Edie Vaughan – 677-6085, evaughan@tidewater.net for more information.

And of course, we hope you’ll spread the word to anyone who might need a ride.


Other News this Week

Lenten Vesper Services

Starting Thursday, March 9 at 5:30 pm in the sanctuary  

There will be a quiet service on Thursdays at 5:30 during Lent.  Quiet, prayer, organ (thanks Carroll), scripture, and hymn.  Come and pause during this reflective time of year. 


All Church Retreat

Saturday, April 8 from 9 am--3 pm 

We will be having a retreat at the Downeast School of Massage, Waldoboro (Rt 220) led by Rev. Deborah Blood, Maine United Church of Christ, Conference Minister. The members of this church work hard: cleaning, visiting, meeting, planning, and doing.  This retreat is for us to listen: to the voice inside, to each other, and to God.  Hope you can come.  Please rsvp towaldoucc@midcoast.com so we know how much food to bring. 


Worship Service

Sunday, 10 am

Loving God, Self and Neighbor.  Cathy Anderson, flute and Carroll Smith, organ. Jesus said, "How often have I desired to gather your children together as a hen gathers her brood under her wings, and you were not willing."   Nancy Duncan will reflect on imagining God as a hen gathering her brood under her wings.   Church School for the children.  


News This Week


Twenty-first Century Ministry: Nineteenth Century Building