News This Week

Between now and Pentecost on June 4, Rev. Nancy Duncan will be preaching and blogging on the early followers of Jesus as they struggled to understand what it all meant and what to do. Their questions and challenges seem eerily relevant to the life of the Broad Bay Church.  What is God doing now?  Where do we meet the Risen Christ?  Follow Nancy's thoughts and add your own at

Consider the questions facing Broad Bay including:

“How can the Broad Bay Church effectively share God's love and justice, deepen connections to others, and better serve as a sanctuary to the people of the congregation and the Waldoboro community?” 


Building Committee

Follow the work of the Building Committee and share your ideas, questions, fears, hopes, concerns, and your sense of where the spirit is calling this church at: and click on Building Committee

--the kiosk in the fellowship Hall

--the back of the sanctuary

--in person with a member of the Building Committee. 

We want to hear from you! 


Art and Scripture

Mondays 10:30 am
Gather around the table with art supplies and scripture.  Read the readings for the following week and let your imagination soar.  All are welcome. Art skills optional.


Pastoral Relations Meeting 

Tuesday, May 1: 5:30 pm


Birthday Celebration

Sunday, May 21: 2-4 pm
Open House at Broad Bay to honor Marguerite Hills 100th birthday.


Learn more about Broad Bay & the United Church of Christ

May 30: 6:30 pm
How did we start? How to get involved or join? Who makes decisions? What does Nancy do? What do we believe? Come and join the Deacons for dessert and conversation. Everyone who is curious about the church is welcome. 


Summer Concert

Friday, June 23 7 pm
Multi-media Concert with Josie and Sophie Davis, Colin Wheatley, violins, and Jaime Feldman, cello


All Church Meeting

Tuesday, June 27 5:30 pm
All Church Meeting with folks from the National Fund and Partners for Sacred Places.  Come learn about how other churches have utilized their buildings to build partnerships with other community organizations. 


An opportunity for which the church was born...


A Rewarding Opportunity -