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Songs for the Silenced: Using Voice to End Violence, to benefit New Hope for Women

Songs for the Silenced: Using Voice to End Violence, to benefit New Hope for Women as part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

On October 14 Broad Bay will bring a second annual musical concert in support of New Hope for Women, an area organization founded to end domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.  Time to be announced.

The concert will feature Maine-ly Harmony, an organization of women of all ages who enjoy blending their voices in a cappella barbershop harmony style of singing. Maine-ly Harmony performs in communities throughout the state. They recently opened the Legislative session at the State House in Augusta with the National Anthem and have helped numerous organizations to fundraise for various causes, including the Maine Autism Society, Lisbon Area Christian Outreach's food pantry and Gardiner's Relay for Life Cancer Walk, and have contributed to special events such as the Senior Spectrum's Lifestyle Expo at the Augusta Civic Center, and the Togus Veterans Administration's 9/11 commemorative services. They have performed at venues such as the Waterville Opera House, the Sawyer Foundation in Greene and Jewett Hall on the UMA campus.


Their program will include songs that span the decades of the last century, in a cappella barbershop style. The program will include a diverse selection of songs of hope and inspiration, such as Rise Again; American standards, such as After You've Gone; and sixties classics, such as the 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin' Groovy).

This concert is a fundraiser for New Hope for Women, which offers support to women, men, and children in Sagadahoc, Lincoln, Knox and Waldo Counties affected by domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking, and provides educational resources to assist those communities in creating a safer and healthier future.

Each day, New Hope for Women works to staff a 24-hour hotline, maintain the safe home network, offer transitional housing services, conduct support groups, and provide legal services and advocacy to those being abused. In addition, they bring awareness and change to our schools and communities through educational presentations and prevention programs. New Hope for Women operates in Maine communities with a combined population of over 150 thousand, more than 10% of the entire state.

New Hope empowers individuals by providing them with information, resources, and a safe place to access their own wisdom-a place where a victim can feel it is possible to one day obtain freedom from abuse. When the day comes that the cycle of abuse is finally broken for a victim, a miracle happens.

“We hope that many in our community will gather to hear the many voices of Maine-ly Harmony and continue the work that all may live in homes that are free from violence,” said Rev. Nancy Duncan.

The Broad Bay Church is honored to continue our long support of New Hope for Women with thisconcert.BroadBayChurchconcertsarefreesothatallmayattend. Alldonationsreceived at the concert will be given to New for Women to continue their work.

September 9

Annual Organ Concert

October 22

Craft Supplies Fair