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Craft Supplies Fair

On Oct. 22, the fellowship hall (and possibly the Sunday School room) will be transformed, with tables filled with bargains on items you have just been waiting to get rid of! The idea is that we donate all those supplies for sewing projects, knitting projects, art projects, woodworking projects, etc., that we haven’t gotten around to, offer them to shoppers at great prices, and all the money raised goes to the church.  

Interested?  The Outreach Committee is spearheading the sale, and Pat March will have a sign-up sheet at church if you want to reserve a table or part of a table.  Every individual will be responsible for her/his own pricing (mantra: make it low, so it will go) and selling, unless you make arrangements with another congregant to be responsible for selling your items.

The sale will run from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  on Sat., Oct. 22. Sellers will be responsible for packing up their leftover goods and either taking them home OR putting them in boxes which Outreach will then take to Goodwill.

More info to come about food availability during the sale.  And, if you have ideas about the sale, please see Pat or other members of Outreach.


October 14

Songs for the Silenced: Using Voice to End Violence, to benefit New Hope for Women

December 3

Annual Holiday Fair