Broad Bay Congregational United Church of Christ is holding its Annual Holiday Fair on Saturday 3 December. The emphasis this year is on crafts. Area crafters will be providing a new look and an excellent variety of craft items such as pottery, sea glass art, photography, knitted hats, jewelry and more. In addition to that, the Broad Bay Church crafters will be providing their wares. There will also be tables for wreaths, children, wrapping, the Heifer Foundation, auction, and donation items and the annual favorite, the Cookie Walk.
Breakfast and lunch will be available for sit-in or take-out: a variety of soups and chowders, and breakfast sandwiches, donuts, bagels, muffins coffee and juices.
The Fair opens at 8:30 and will close at 2:30.
The annual Holiday Fair is a fund raiser for the church and an excellent time for the community to visit, do some Christmas shopping, have breakfast or lunch and help celebrate the season.
Volunteers are still needed, contact Linda Brandt or the church to help.