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Christmas Services

Saturday, Dec. 24 at 4:30 pm:
Christmas Eve Service

Lots of carols.  Traditional readings. Multimedia presentation by the children and youth: javascript:void('TOC%20heading%201') “What if Jesus was born in Waldoboro today?” Candle lighting,  Music with April Reed-Cox, cello, Cathy Anderson, flute and Carroll Smith, organ.
Candles, Carols, and Scripture

Sunday, Dec. 25 10 am:
O Come, All Ye Faithful

A quiet service of carols, communion, and conversation. Bring a favorite Christmas Decoration that has special meaning to you. Rev. Nancy Duncan, leading worship.


Sunday, Jan 1  10 am

Ring in the New Year with Josie and Sophie Davis, violins. Rev. Evelyn Clowes will lead worship and she promises to leave lots of space for carols and Josie and Sophie’music.  Holy Communion.
Too much food in your house? Bring leftover treats to go with coffee and conversation after worship.

December 3

Annual Holiday Fair

April 8

All Church Retreat